What is Traditional Natural Medicine?
The World Health Organization defines traditional medicine as the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures that are used for the maintenance of health and the prevention, diagnosis, improvement, or treatment of physical and mental illness, whether they can be explained or not.
Traditional Natural Medicine-North America operates under the belief that ill health is caused by a functional imbalance or disequilibrium within the body, and disease is a collection of symptoms that the body produces to restore balance. Practitioners of Traditional Natural Medicine use safe, non-invasive therapies to enhance the body's innate healing ability and maintain optimal health. The term "Natural Medicine" is a general term that encompasses all holistic healing modalities, groups, and philosophy, excluding surgical, drug-based, diagnostic, and allopathic medical approaches.
Various practitioners in North America use natural healing modalities, but this organization provides clarity on the designations of its members. These designations include individuals with a Doctorate in Natural Medicine (PhD DNM), Certified Nature's-therapy practitioners (CNP), and Registered Natural Health practitioners (RNP). Traditional Natural medicine/Nature’s practitioners focus on teaching healthy lifestyle choices, non-invasive assessment techniques, and self-care and disease prevention based on traditional natural healing philosophy. Naturopaths are regulated in some Canadian provinces and US states.
What is the difference between certification and licensing?
Certification is a process that involves an assessment of an individual's skills, knowledge, and experience in a particular field. The purpose of certification is to ensure that professionals have met specific standards and are competent in their area of expertise.
In the natural medicine industry, certification marks are granted to members who have undergone training and education to meet specific standards. These standards may include minimum levels of education, experience, and ongoing professional development. Certification marks provide a recognizable symbol that members have met these standards and can be trusted to provide quality services to clients.
It is important to note that certification is different from a license. A license is a legal requirement for individuals to practice certain professions, and it is granted by a government agency. Certification, on the other hand, is voluntary and is usually granted by a professional organization or association. While a license ensures that a practitioner meets legal requirements, certification provides additional assurance that the practitioner has met specific standards of competency and professionalism.
Overall, certification is an important way for professionals in natural medicine to demonstrate their competence and commitment to providing quality services to their clients. Certification marks serve as a recognizable symbol that clients can trust, and they provide assurance that practitioners have met specific standards of education, experience, and ongoing professional development.
Why are different organizations used?
Canadian members are registered with the Natural Medicine Certification Council, which is a Canadian federal organization with copyright and trademark protection under Canadian law. Meanwhile, USA, South American, and Central American members are registered under the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners-North America, which is trademarked under US patent and trademark laws.
What role do affiliate associations serve?
Affiliate associations serve the function of advocating for their members in a particular region. In Canada, associations may be formed as provincial extensions of the Natural Medicine Certification Council (NMCC) to comply with provincial regulations. Only authorized external associations, societies, or entities may claim affiliation representation of members of this organization. Such organizations must display an authorization emblem bearing the organization's logo.
What is a Diploma of Certification?
It's important to note that certification is not the same as an academic degree, which can only be obtained through an educational institution. The certification offered by the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners-North America in the USA and the Natural Medicine Certification Council in Canada, which is a federal organization, does not constitute an academic degree.
However, these organizations are dedicated to maintaining the standards, principles, and philosophy of Traditional Natural Medicine.
Can I practice with my certification in Canada?
The rules and regulations regarding practicing with a certification can vary depending on the specific profession and the province or territory in Canada where you wish to practice. In some cases, a certification obtained in the United States may be recognized in Canada, but it is important to research the specific requirements for the profession and location where you want to practice. Overall, with your certification in hand, you are well-positioned to pursue a successful career in your chosen profession within the American continent.
Can I practice with my certification in the USA?
After successfully completing your education and obtaining certification, you may be eligible to practice in the United States of America and other parts of the American continent such as Canada, South, and Central America. Your certification will serve as proof of your competency and expertise in your field, thus enabling you to provide professional services to clients or patients within your area of specialization. Additionally, before embarking on practice in the USA, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the regulations and requirements of the state where you intend to practice, as these may vary depending on the jurisdiction. Overall, with your certification in hand, you are well-positioned to pursue a successful career in your chosen profession within the American continent.
Would you consider accepting diplomas and degrees from (name of educational) educational institution as a means of certification?
Along with accredited educational institutions, we also evaluate potential members on a case-by-case basis to determine their eligibility for certification.
We understand the importance of having a diverse range of qualifications and experiences among our certified members. As such, we strive to be as inclusive as possible while maintaining the standards of our certification process.
If you have obtained a diploma or degree from a reputable educational institution, we encourage you to submit your credentials for review. Our evaluation process takes into account various factors such as the relevance of your degree to the field, the reputation of the educational institution, and your overall professional experience.
In addition to educational qualifications, we also consider applicants who may have acquired their knowledge and skills through alternative means such as on-the-job training, self-study, or industry certifications. Our goal is to recognize the expertise of individuals from diverse backgrounds and provide them with the opportunity to enhance their professional credibility through our certification program.